Posts Tagged ‘backchannel ethics’

Backchannel Ethics

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

Just like the previous events we will use a backchannel during our next MoMo. The backchannel will enable you to interact with each other, contribute to the conversation with your expertise or opinion, or ask questions about what is said. To make sure the backchannel is used as an addition to everybody’s event experience this post will mention some basic backchannel ethics.

Most of all these are just common sense, none of these are carved in stone. They are here to make sure that a backchannel enriches your event experience, so please think about the following when you use the backchannel:

  • Respect – Yourself, others and the speaker
  • Contribute – Add, share, help during the conversation in a constructive way. Keep it on topic, during the borrel there is enough time for the off-topic talk
  • Ask – And you’ll be answered. We keep track of questions and will come back to you afterwards

So make sure you have your batteries charged (bring spares) and join the conversation next week!

Do you feel silly because you don’t know what a backchannel is? Don’t! Learn more about the backchannel.