NEWS > MoMo #13 photos available!

MoMo #13 photos available!

17 November 2009

Mobile Monday #13 is a wrap and we are very happy to say it has been a huge success (have you rated it yet on Meetup?). We love to hear all your comments, feedback and ideas to improve even further. Tweet us or leave them in the comments!

In the meantime: check out the photos! BIG thank you to Erik Kroes (@k4rp / for shooting the pictures – if you need any photo work done, be sure to contact him!

We are working very hard on making the other content (presentations and video) available as soon as possible. We will let you know when it is!

Last thing: be sure to note that we will organize the next Mobile Monday end of January 2010 and it will be about mobile health. So be sure to sign up at to be kept in the loop when RSVPs open :-)

posted by Maarten den Braber | Post to Twitter tweet this
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Comments (5)

  1. Great MoMo, looking very much forward to download presentations; where can I find them?

  2. martijn

    The presentations and video’s will be put on this site ASAP. However, it will take a bit of time to get everything converted etc.

  3. Wat een extreem goede Momo! De vorige #12 bleef al een week hangen maar deze zeker ook. Goede combi van sprekers met als hoogtepunt: Manon Ossevoort.

    Toen wij binnenkwamen werden zgn. quotes gebeamd, kan ik die ergens vinden??

  4. martijn

    Zal’s vragen of we die bij de talks kunnen opnemen..

  5. Was my first momo and I had a great time.
    Lost of interesting people and talks, especialys Dennis Crowleys.

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